If Johnny cash, Kid rock, and Sam hunt had musical babies, Yo Brando would be the slightly less gifted ugly duckling! Based out of Southern
California— Home to some of the most beautiful babes and awesome waves, but there’s nothing salty about these beaches. Founded by Brandon Rotellini, aged 22. The genes of his musical talent dates back to his grandfather, who was a locally renowned musician and songwriter from Tennessee . He had also attended high school and was good friends with the king of rock n roll himself— Elvis Presley. It doesn’t stop there though. Brandon’s mother, with the looks and voice of an angel, attracted one of the most influential guitarists of the 20th century. The Eagles’ very own, Joe Walsh. Joe had written a love letter to Brandon’s mother stating how he wanted to be with her, but was ultimately rejected. Way to go mom. Despite their incredible talent, both fell down darker paths and never truly pursued their passion for music. However Brandon was able to learn from their success and failures, and apply it to his future career as a recording and touring artist. Joining him are some of the best classically trained, professional musicians to come out of southern California.
Sergio Garcia on lead guitar, age 23. Originally from Honduras, he moved around alot in his early life and is no stranger to hardship and struggle. Living with one family member to another, it was hard to find a place to call home. But, like many of us do, found salvation and a sense of steadiness in the piece of wood with six strings tied to it. Rather than dwell on the negativity of his past, he channelled his strength and energy to perfect his craft and holds himself to the highest standards possible. From heavy metal, to smooth jazz, there isnt much the “Honduran Devil” can’t do.
Luca Miranda, age 19. Growing up on the Mean streets of Lima, Peru this young man has been hustling, bustling, and drumming since the age of 5. A nice shiny Pearl drum set isn’t easy to come by in the impoverished country, so Luca had to use what ever was at his disposal. Every table, pot, pan, and bucket became his instrument, so you can only imagine how thrilled he was when he moved to the United States of America and bought his first real drum kit. He then spent the next 10 years honing his craft and while he might be young, he can keep up with the best of them.
Joe Temblador on bass, age 21. Joe has a unique talent of knowing exactly what the song needs. It can be easy for a Musician of his caliber to show off how good he is with some impressive bass lick, however, he prefers to be the rock by serving the record and not himself. Which is what every great bass player does.