Rabbit Trail is a two-piece project from Arizona musicians Clint Listing (album reviewer for The Doorway To Zine) and Gage Lovett. A duo that loves folk, post-rock, metal, sludge, noise, and experimental sounds, Rabbit Trail is not afraid to combine disparate elements.

From the somber acoustic “From A Scene” to the rasped industrial metal of “New Electro Metal”, to the shimmering 80s alt of “Visual Hope”, (and those are just the first three tracks) the duo jumps from genre-to-genre in a way most bands wouldn’t dare.

Seriously, this album goes from somber acoustic, to Social Distortionesque 90s rock, to fuzzy doom, to industrial, and back. There’s some serious multiple-personality-disorder happening here. It’s weird. And fits Lawnmowerjetpack Records roster perfectly.

In keeping with LMJP’s lo-fi bedroom aesthetic, Rabbit Trail’s self-titled first release is a personal window into the lives of its creators.

Note: Rabbit Trail is LMJP’s first non-Charlie signing!

Clint Listing (Kadaver Listing, The Slumbering, Magni, Until The Sky Dies, As All Die, Long Winter’s Stare) vocals, rhythm guitar, drum programming.
Gage Lovett (PM People) electric guitar, bass, drums, engineering.


S/T (Full length, 3/18/22)
First run limited to 25 CD digipacks.
Available on Bandcamp.

Want to hear exactly how this project came to be? Let’s ask Todd himself…. “I had asked Dale in April of 2020 if he wanted to do a project. First thing I did was send him a song from the XL and DBD release ‘Beginning of Closure’ to see what he thought about it. He was very impressed with the musicianship and agreed to be a part of a new project with me when time permitted in our schedules.” “Long story short, at that point in 2020 everything hit me like a ton of bricks. My equipment started fouling up on me and I just had to sit things out. It wasn’t until October 2021 that I knew I would be in a position to record again. When I knew that was gonna happen, I immediately asked Dale if he was ready and still interested in recording an album, to which he said yes. That was it, and it was off to the races for me from there, writing material and recording songs for him to sing on. We are both very excited about this project, and I personally am very happy to be working with an icon in the Christian metal scene, one I have looked up to since I was a teenager.” Are you ready for this? The Reconciled are eager to present you ‘Skin & Bones’ their debut album coming your way April 15, 2022, featuring 12 rocking new tunes from this dynamic duo.

Check out this recent Interview: https://heavensmetalmagazine.com/index.php/2022/01/17/the-reconciled-qa-with-dale-and-xl/